ONE Community Worldwide is an Asia based multi-level marketing company. Currently the company supply hi-tech wellness products to 8 countries, including Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar and Taiwan
Core products:
1. Health Shield EFT Treatment - healthcare chair
2. eAIR™ - Wellness Thru Healthy Air, An Ionizer And Diffuser machine
3. eAROMA™ - Aromatherapy with Organic & Chemotyped Essential Oils
4. eDROPS™ - Vital Organic Water (VOW) Concentrate
5. eLIFE™ - Electricity field therapy
6. eMIND™ - a hi-tech wellness device that helps to boost concentration levels as well as sets the mind in rest mode.
7. eNUTRA™ - a powder-packed nutraceutical
8. eWASH™ - a Laundry Solution, It prevents oxidation and discoloration of fabric
9. EzOUT™ - Oligosaccharide and Mixed Fruit Fiber with Spirulina
10. eGemcells™ - skincare for moisturizing, energizing and anti-aging effects
11. e eyeGYM™ - therapeutic device
ONE Community Worldwide Sdn Bhd
(835710-A) (AJL 931792)
LG-05-06, Lower Ground Floor,
The Weld, No.76, Jalan Raja Chulan,
50200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hotline: 1-800-222-ONE (663)
Tel: +603-21648899
Fax: +603-21630739
Email: onecom@one2u.com
website: http://www.one2u.com/